[YUSHA] Yusha Tеam



There are no statistics requirements. This is a clan of acquaintances and friends.

Conditions: The maximum individual income of industrial resource for the clan in the period from 2024.
1. All clan members can participate
2. Players are awarded in 2 nominations
1) The maximum earnings of the industrial resource during each month (at least 66k of the industrial resource). This is ideal for new players joining the clan during the promotion

Awards :
1st place - 8k gold
2nd place - 5k gold
3rd place - 3k to gold

2) The total individual earnings of the industrial resource during the promotion from 2024. This is perfect for the old-timers of our clan.

Awards :
1st place - 25 k gold
2nd place - 15 k gold
3rd place - 10 k gold
4th place - 7 to gold
5th place - 5 to gold

Klan İstatistikleri

Üye Sayısı: 58

Ortalama Savaş Sayısı18387
Ø WN81346,56
Ortalama Galibiyetler50,45%

Klan üyeleri


Klan Geçmişi

Oyuncu adıDeğişiklikTarih
Fr1quentAyrıldı 24.03.2025 21:07 UTC
UltralolkaAyrıldı 24.03.2025 21:07 UTC
6e3_0sKaRaAyrıldı 22.03.2025 18:04 UTC
SAPRYKINQXAyrıldı 18.03.2025 21:06 UTC
AVE_MOYSHA256Katıldı11.03.2025 18:00 UTC
_FROST_Katıldı10.03.2025 19:33 UTC
ShvitzerKatıldı10.03.2025 18:09 UTC
KoT_WpeDuHrePaKatıldı10.03.2025 18:09 UTC
PolevoyYUSHAKatıldı10.03.2025 18:08 UTC
UltralolkaKatıldı10.03.2025 02:45 UTC
CoqaKatıldı09.03.2025 18:45 UTC
SAPRYKINQXKatıldı09.03.2025 16:39 UTC
Fr1quentKatıldı09.03.2025 13:13 UTC
MoonbiteR_Katıldı08.03.2025 19:30 UTC
Maeg0rKatıldı08.03.2025 19:23 UTC
OPTE_EUKatıldı07.03.2025 20:30 UTC
HAMPLE_OFFAyrıldı 07.03.2025 11:43 UTC
Gomeru4Ayrıldı 06.03.2025 21:06 UTC
Leon77744Ayrıldı 01.03.2025 18:05 UTC
Stass1100Katıldı23.02.2025 18:54 UTC