[EBL] ErwinBommel



Es gibt bei uns keine Pflichten. Spiel wie Du es bisher auch getan hast.
Bei uns geht es Freizeitunterhaltung, daher ist ein guter Umgangston miteinander Voraussetzung.
Unser Plus ist es, das Du von den Clanreserven profitierst, im gemeinsamen TS quatschen kannst und Menschen findest, die Dir helfen können, Dich im Spiel zu verbessern.
Für den Clan ist es wichtig, die täglichen Aufgaben des Militärdienstes zu erledigen.
Solltest Du Lust haben mitzumachen, schau Dir unseren Clan einfach mal an.

There are no obligations with us. Play as you have always done.
We are all about leisure entertainment, so good manners are a prerequisite.
Our advantage is that you benefit from the clan reserves, can chat in the shared TS and find people who can help you improve in the game.
It is important for the clan to complete the daily tasks of military service.
If you would like to join in, just take a look at our clan.

Klan İstatistikleri

Üye Sayısı: 95

Ortalama Savaş Sayısı9858
Ø WN81355,18
Ortalama Galibiyetler50,28%

Klan üyeleri


Klan Geçmişi

Oyuncu adıDeğişiklikTarih
Fleizi_1Katıldı21.03.2025 08:22 UTC
VulcanodonKatıldı21.03.2025 06:37 UTC
C_M_O_L_Katıldı21.03.2025 06:01 UTC
KiZa_NsCzKatıldı21.03.2025 05:33 UTC
huevo_debil_Ayrıldı 20.03.2025 09:06 UTC
AAKYTRAyrıldı 19.03.2025 09:06 UTC
ThoimnAyrıldı 19.03.2025 09:06 UTC
KLYK2024Katıldı19.03.2025 06:00 UTC
mexano111_7198014Ayrıldı 16.03.2025 09:07 UTC
bagoun2Katıldı16.03.2025 07:16 UTC
PestgolemKatıldı15.03.2025 19:48 UTC
Nazar_Bro12Ayrıldı 14.03.2025 21:07 UTC
powerhaki25_2019Katıldı14.03.2025 14:29 UTC
Gator__Ayrıldı 14.03.2025 09:06 UTC
matidymekAyrıldı 14.03.2025 09:06 UTC
ArickeKatıldı14.03.2025 05:48 UTC
fentanyl00xKatıldı13.03.2025 21:31 UTC
GKA13_TDO9Ayrıldı 12.03.2025 21:07 UTC
huevo_debil_Katıldı12.03.2025 13:16 UTC
MrBlautyyAyrıldı 12.03.2025 09:07 UTC
HilariumosisAyrıldı 12.03.2025 09:07 UTC
ObnuliatorKatıldı12.03.2025 06:20 UTC
Funky_KKatıldı11.03.2025 20:25 UTC
Tadeas79Ayrıldı 11.03.2025 09:07 UTC
melaketKatıldı10.03.2025 19:26 UTC
Zero_dlKatıldı10.03.2025 07:06 UTC
Pitu_666Katıldı09.03.2025 21:07 UTC
JoelGustavoKatıldı08.03.2025 20:12 UTC
Game_340Katıldı08.03.2025 06:19 UTC
2341lexxKatıldı08.03.2025 06:08 UTC
patriotf2010Ayrıldı 07.03.2025 21:07 UTC
Daniels_tankAyrıldı 07.03.2025 21:07 UTC
Dubadui_StulovichKatıldı07.03.2025 18:17 UTC
Vasa777_2Katıldı07.03.2025 07:06 UTC
caspe_23Katıldı07.03.2025 06:51 UTC
GoodW1N_2025Katıldı07.03.2025 06:16 UTC
starik_2025Katıldı07.03.2025 06:10 UTC
drago486Katıldı06.03.2025 05:26 UTC
Dawidovs1978Katıldı05.03.2025 16:18 UTC
Deman693Ayrıldı 02.03.2025 21:06 UTC
Deman693Katıldı01.03.2025 19:33 UTC
EmazuronisKatıldı01.03.2025 19:07 UTC
wiliwonk_1Katıldı01.03.2025 18:09 UTC
magi_QAyrıldı 01.03.2025 18:08 UTC
XoneVagrantKatıldı01.03.2025 18:08 UTC
Eiswuerfel66Ayrıldı 01.03.2025 09:06 UTC
CaMTakouHaXKatıldı01.03.2025 06:58 UTC
expertpzKatıldı01.03.2025 05:56 UTC
Night_Hanter_01Katıldı01.03.2025 04:21 UTC
Thomas_Amateur_1Katıldı26.02.2025 05:25 UTC
VpolewukKatıldı24.02.2025 19:49 UTC
barabajevasKatıldı23.02.2025 17:11 UTC
_KlausStoertebeker_Ayrıldı 23.02.2025 09:06 UTC
SHELEST23Katıldı22.02.2025 07:08 UTC
_A_no_E6aJ7y_Ayrıldı 20.02.2025 19:18 UTC
MyhtarKatıldı20.02.2025 18:11 UTC
DaniilzarutaKatıldı19.02.2025 18:33 UTC
GazpromYTTKatıldı19.02.2025 18:19 UTC
gans_178Katıldı19.02.2025 17:36 UTC