[DRKON] Last Dragons

Mighty and Fearless ''Who Dares Wins'' ''No Sacrifice no Story'' United as One


The Story Begins now
International European Clan
Anyone can join from new players to veterans
Main Languages: English/Lithuanian

Rules of the clan:

1. No abuse
2. Respect each other
3. Help and Support those who needs
4. Fair play
5. Attend clan games
6. Have Fun

Onslaught/7v7 games is primary that we are going to play

Discord is a must: https://discord.gg/gDZXUyDb

Wish to join?

Join and you will fly

Klan İstatistikleri

Üye Sayısı: 1

Ortalama Savaş Sayısı12
Ø WN82552,43
Ortalama Galibiyetler58,33%

Klan üyeleri

Çatışma istatistikleri


Klan Geçmişi

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