[DPWG] Deep Wang

You know you love it!


Deep Wang is an international clan and welcomes players who want to socialise through participation in clan activities.

Our particular focus is on Skirmishes in all tiers, so you'll want to have suitable tanks (tiers 6, 8 & 10) ready in the garage before you apply!

You'll find some players online at all hours of day and night, but our peak hours are after 5pm weekdays and weekends.

All our members enjoy platoons.

We use Discord.

Clan website: our-clan.net
PM Dva_Dva, Bo_Odin or shadow_destroyer in-game for more info.

Klan İstatistikleri

Üye Sayısı: 31

Ortalama Savaş Sayısı9785
Ø WN8871,71
Ortalama Galibiyetler47,94%

Klan üyeleri


Klan Geçmişi

Oyuncu adıDeğişiklikTarih