[BAD77] Mad Medics

Tally Ho! Mad buggers to the front


We are for FUN first and Winning second

We obey the rules of our clan, sometimes...

We are an international clan who communicate in English
The 8 commandments being our constitution {Rule book}
We follow a democratic decision process where possible

Commandments : -
1st : thou may log into clan Discord every time thy play
2nd : thou shall have fun and enjoy thyself
3rd: thou shall respect others at all times
4th : thou shall speak thy mind, or forever hold thy peace
5th : thou shall accept all consequences of disobeying commandment 3
6th : thou shall NOT under-estimate our enemies, Just kill them
7th : thou shall NOT allow a fellow member to play alone
8th : thou shall kill every EBR with reckless abandon and glee

Klan İstatistikleri

Üye Sayısı: 33

Ortalama Savaş Sayısı21926
Ø WN8941,52
Ortalama Galibiyetler48,74%

Klan üyeleri


Klan Geçmişi

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