[747] Spirit_Of_Ecstasy

"The tale of one car and hundreds of stars..."


"There’s a sense of effortless grace and elegance, but at the same time something more contemporary and daring."

Since 1904 Rolls-Royce has created instantly recognisable motor cars that have made the marque an enduring icon all over the world. Inspired by some of the most evocative cars ever built, we have the great privilege of taking this legacy into the future.

That's all.

Spirit_of_Ecstasy. By invitation only.

And 747 KLM pilot was an idiot.

Klan İstatistikleri

Üye Sayısı: 1

Ortalama Savaş Sayısı20
Ø WN8311,76
Ortalama Galibiyetler45,00%

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