[-V_F-] Vlammende Flamingo's

There's No ''I'' in ''Team'' but there is a ''You'' in ''F*ck You''


Heey there!

We are the Flaming Flamingo's. We are started a English clan who focuses on good in game performance.
We would like to play skirmishes and clanwars when there are enough players but for now its not our main focus. We trying to grow as fast as we can. Wanna help us out?

We expact the following in the clan:
- Use discord when playing (when you don't want to talk go in one of the silence rooms).
- Be active
- Good attitude
- Participation in clan battles, Advances, Global Map etc...

The Vlammende Flamingo's offers you:
- Strong teamplay in platoons (+15% xp each battle!)
- Discord server
- Clanbattle

Like to join our clan? Ask them in game:
- Skezera
- Scapzoll

Check out our discord:

See you soon!

Klan İstatistikleri

Üye Sayısı: 4

Ortalama Savaş Sayısı16708
Ø WN81695,01
Ortalama Galibiyetler52,36%

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