[_BPA_] Blitzpanzer Abteilung

Causing Tigerphobia since 1942


We are a clan who is built on having equal opportunities. Therefore we value all of our members opinions and ideas. No changes will be made unless voted on by all members of the clan.

For now we want to have a relatively small clan of about 25 members.
We like to get to know our members and help each other whether that's getting the next tank or just learning how to play.

Biggest clan events / activities: Strongholds, beta team skirmishes

Klan İstatistikleri

Üye Sayısı: 1

Ortalama Savaş Sayısı0
Ø WN80,00
Ortalama Galibiyetler0,00%

Klan üyeleri

Çatışma istatistikleri


Klan Geçmişi

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