Welcome to WICKD recruiting!
We are looking for players that are mature and enjoy the play. Below are guidelines - NOT minimum requirements. Every player will be evaluated individually and NOT disqualified based on any single metric. So apply if you are moving toward these goals.
Recruiting Guidelines:
1. Age 18+ (mature clan)
1a. We are part of the Bowsr community
2. Recent WN8 (60 day) Tier 8+ (WotLabs) - Min 900
3. Avg Dmg 900+
4. We are a grp of players just relaxing and Playing the game as well as taking part in all events Skirms -Campaigns what ever we like .....
5. We want to help u get better and have a better game exp....
6. Civil, Cordial - ALWAYS (can get heated at times ) even X-rated ..lol
7. RnG is the enemy of every battle
Teamspeak3: bowsr.teamspeak3.com
Kaleef / Deathsshadow / Shaggie / Whiskey_Zulu / linkyzer0 / War_dad_with_twins / SnoopDowg....