Silent But Deadly


Welcome to the Wolf Spiders.

Tired of playing alone or being unsupported in battles.

Our clan offers a mature social gaming environment, where players from around the world can actively play in platoons & occasionally tank companies. We understand this is a game, so we only ask players to be active & make no demands on your time.

- Our clan will do clan wars, tournaments, training and platooning if we have the interest -

We are currently recruiting good friendly players that meet the following criteria:

1) Can operate as part of a team & actively play in clan platoons clan wars, training & tank companies.
2) Already own or willingness to work towards obtaining the following:
Have a victory percentage above 44% & a hit ratio above 40%.
Possess a tier 7+ tank / tank destroyer or a tier 3+ artillery.

New clan members (recruits) will be assessed during a trial period by at least 1 commanders, before being fully accepted into the clan and promoted to soldier.

Klan İstatistikleri

Üye Sayısı: 16

Ortalama Savaş Sayısı11398
Ø WN8847,41
Ortalama Galibiyetler48,15%

Klan üyeleri

Çatışma istatistikleri


Klan Geçmişi

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