[W-A-W] American Wounded Warrior.

American Wounded Warrior Never Forgotten.


Invite only.


This is NOT a PRO Gaming Clan. " Strictly fun".

Platoon / Social / Having Fun.

Rules: "Respect team, Respect players, Respect those around you.

FACEBOOK: WOT American Wounded Warrior " Under Changes Black Board only"

w-A-w is a place for wounded Vets their families and friends to join and to have fun. For all who want to hangout or just team up and battle. Look forward to you joining the fight.

To build a greater awareness for our Injured Soldiers and getting them help. Anyone can help.

To Honor and stay committed to The American Wounded Warriors. Never Forget!!

+ To raise awareness and enlist the public's aid for the needs of injured service members.

+ To help injured service members aid and assist each other.

+ To provide unique, direct programs and services to meet the needs of injured service members.

Clan Commander: Dega US. Army Vet of 24 yrs, 19D Scout and 18B Weapons Sergeant.

Strength an Honor.

Klan İstatistikleri

Üye Sayısı: 19

Ortalama Savaş Sayısı5003
Ø WN8743,32
Ortalama Galibiyetler47,94%

Klan üyeleri

#Oyuncu adı30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ortalama GalibiyetlerSavaşlarSon SavaşRütbeKatıldı
1robbro90,0001423,8651,57%1465610.11.2023Personel Subayı10.10.2013
2DeathChaser80,0001406,8352,56%648204.12.2022Levazım Subayı27.03.2015
3DaNeenjah444,2531042,7446,40%587114.02.2025Yedek Subay16.02.2015
5GeneralOfThe5thStar0,000711,8947,55%901423.01.2021Yedek Subay24.02.2015
6Ace23900,000700,3147,78%587109.07.2018Levazım Subayı26.04.2015
7tubby720,000641,7348,17%758630.06.2020Yedek Subay25.03.2015
8killswitch23330,000638,6744,64%390022.09.2018Personel Subayı06.02.2015
9Sean760,000616,9947,90%514808.06.2021Levazım Subayı11.02.2015
10mountain970,000566,3848,86%323805.01.2023Levazım Subayı16.02.2015
11Aribethskaya0,000439,1945,29%673416.03.2017Personel Subayı22.12.2013
12Raptor320,000372,2148,04%140524.09.2021Yedek Subay26.08.2013
15mcgorro0,000303,3645,55%375223.03.2018Levazım Subayı21.03.2015
16DesertDust0,000297,5345,93%945003.09.2017Yedek Subay04.03.2015
18bbergstrom040,00064,5046,77%125305.05.2017Levazım Subayı22.02.2015
19fear_the_noob0,00033,0343,38%219711.05.2021Levazım Subayı02.04.2015

Klan Geçmişi

Oyuncu adıDeğişiklikTarih