Live to Win!


Come help MOSHPIT (MOSHP) build. For now, we are a small casual group. If you play 1 hour a week or 7 days a week, come be a part of something to call your own. We would love to progress into skirmishes, advances, and even clan wars, but first things first. Currently we are platooning to work on cohesion in team play and sharpening our skills. We welcome experienced players who can contribute and help us progress.
We also welcome new players who understand fundamentals strive to improve and share our goals to advance as a team. We hope to recruit active players with at least a 48% win rate or higher.
I also welcome any existing experienced clans to perhaps collaborate with in what ever way possible.
We are very interested in recruiting experienced, dedicated players for lead positions to help fill teams for weekly skirmishes and advances. Ask about incentives!

Thank you,

Klan İstatistikleri

Üye Sayısı: 40

Ortalama Savaş Sayısı16698
Ø WN81296,58
Ortalama Galibiyetler50,37%

Klan üyeleri


Klan Geçmişi

Oyuncu adıDeğişiklikTarih
_Paper_Horse_Ayrıldı 27.02.2025 11:20 UTC
_Paper_Horse_Katıldı24.02.2025 02:36 UTC
xXx_Gaara_xXxKatıldı19.02.2025 03:10 UTC
TheGlueStickOfDoomKatıldı16.02.2025 01:52 UTC