[HFA] Hell Forged Alliance

Bringing Gaming to You with Honour and Integrity -- www.hfagaming.com


We are Recruiting please contact any officer for information or if you have questions before applying.

HFAGaming is an active clan with an emphasis fun and enjoyable play. We are not a hard core, completely serious competitive clan. We do actively platoon, run companies and, under the new clan wars campaign system, participate in clan wars as well. Our Officers will help you get better if you want to have some training time, but none is required. There is no minimum participation required as well.

To Join:
18+ years of age
Be able to use Teamspeak3
Get along with other clan members

Please go to www.hfagaming.com to register an apply. Once application there has been approved we will add you to roster here at World of Tanks. Join our ts3 ts3server:// pass is !HFA!
We are a mufti-game community, that has been around since 2007. Our average age within is about early 20's to late 50's. We are active over many games and have a diverse group of members.

Klan İstatistikleri

Üye Sayısı: 26

Ortalama Savaş Sayısı4738
Ø WN81111,79
Ortalama Galibiyetler50,09%

Klan üyeleri


Klan Geçmişi

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