[GOLF] Good old Farts

If you have to use gold, then you should play Pokemon


The clan has a few rules to note. We are here to have fun and work towards team battles and strongholds. TS is a requirement from this point on. TS IS a 100% requirement. push to talk hotkey for TS is highly recommended. If you are going to be afk from the game for an extended period of time, please let us know by posting a message on the clan message board Or you can let one of the officers know.
Acting like an asshat in GOLF chat or TS will be grounds for instant removal from the clan.
The minimum age to be in the clan is 18 from now on.
Also, TS is NOT censored nor will it ever be so please use a headset. If you are on speakers and you have kids nearby.... you are warned.
Team event days:
Thursday: Team training starting at 7:30pm est - 9:30pm Must be in ts! Adjust for your time zone
Sunday: Team training starting at 4:00pm est - 6:00pm Must be in ts!

Teamspeak: golf.teamspeak3.com:5682

TS download link: https://www.teamspeak.com/downloads

Klan İstatistikleri

Üye Sayısı: 7

Ortalama Savaş Sayısı7969
Ø WN8604,87
Ortalama Galibiyetler44,62%

Klan üyeleri

Çatışma istatistikleri


Klan Geçmişi

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