[F_X] Force 10

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.


We are a small group of friends with common interests to form a new gaming community,
who all wanted to create something fresh that can cover a lot of the games that we have and currently play.

We are from all different walks in life but have a lot in common when it comes to gaming taste.
Force 10 Gaming started with a idea to bring Fun back into gaming with good fellowship and team play.

We strive to build a new community who loves a mature and enjoyable atmosphere, while being competitive at the same time.

If you like to just log on and hang out with people who know how to have good old fashion fun without all
filth and child like behavior we are what you may be looking for.

Our aim is to have a wide verity of gaming platforms covering pretty much everything from FPS,RPG'S to RTS.

Our Discord Server is https://discord.gg/U4ZurNZ Keep it Mature and Enjoy..

To fill out an Application please visit our forums : http://force10gaming.boards.net/

Klan İstatistikleri

Üye Sayısı: 16

Ortalama Savaş Sayısı23034
Ø WN81217,74
Ortalama Galibiyetler48,81%

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