[CLASX] CLASS's X-Factor Tankers

Onwards and Upwards


Welcome to CLASX: CLASS's X-Factor Tankers!

CLASX is a Competitive Clan focusing on Advance Battles, Clan Wars and Maneuvers.
We’re a part of the CLASS Family of Clans, a 7-clan 800+ member strong Tankers community.
We work with players to expand their Tier X Line-up and Hone their tanking skills.
We embody the same rules and values of CLASS and the entire Clan Family: Respect, Courtesy and of course, Class!

CLASX Recruitment Requirements:
10+ Tier X Tanks
1250 Recent WN8 perfered we will review on individual bases
Teamspeak 3 app is required.

Please feel free to reach out to ANY of our recruiters: , TheGreatGasby. EagleEyeBat, FireNTheBowl,floldableTrout, or flotag

Our Teamspeak3 Server is: cf.clants.net (There is no Password)

Our Website is: https://classclanwot.wixsite.com/website-3

Also please feel free to come directly to me (Michiganspartans).

Klan İstatistikleri

Üye Sayısı: 67

Ortalama Savaş Sayısı36181
Ø WN81210,41
Ortalama Galibiyetler49,40%

Klan üyeleri


Klan Geçmişi

Oyuncu adıDeğişiklikTarih
jphellcatKatıldı03.03.2025 13:40 UTC
dnumdeAyrıldı 02.03.2025 15:01 UTC
6thsense_Katıldı02.03.2025 03:04 UTC
boggythrillaKatıldı27.02.2025 03:34 UTC
Ramrod__Ayrıldı 23.02.2025 17:16 UTC
Why_You_Heff_To_Be_MadKatıldı22.02.2025 01:53 UTC
Puckboy9912Katıldı19.02.2025 23:55 UTC
TENUUNAXKatıldı19.02.2025 04:18 UTC
nba_2400Ayrıldı 16.02.2025 15:23 UTC
MacToGarageAyrıldı 16.02.2025 15:23 UTC
TrashPandaFTWKatıldı13.02.2025 03:22 UTC
MadKiller527Ayrıldı 12.02.2025 11:26 UTC
ryverryverAyrıldı 11.02.2025 11:16 UTC
Tortiose123Ayrıldı 11.02.2025 02:16 UTC
ERROR404_NO_RNG_FOUNDAyrıldı 09.02.2025 14:16 UTC
Coysquibbly_Katıldı06.02.2025 01:58 UTC
General_DisruptionKatıldı05.02.2025 23:08 UTC