[ACE1] ^<5th Group S.F.

"We Fight So Others Remain Free"


This is a unit for 18+ year old players from vets to recruits...... Looking for former military personnel who understand chain of command.
Or personnel who just want to learn have fun and get expert training!!! The Anjin^Aces were a unit that was started on the old AOL game called Mech Warriors in the mid 90s The unit has a strong history of Excellence for holding are ground and defeating all enemies...
To join also you will need 1500 battles or more and we use discord so you need to have discord.................... Salute......

"We Fight So Others Remain Free"

C.O. Gen. Mysterious13

Klan İstatistikleri

Üye Sayısı: 17

Ortalama Savaş Sayısı6312
Ø WN8737,19
Ortalama Galibiyetler47,90%

Klan üyeleri

#Oyuncu adı30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ortalama GalibiyetlerSavaşlarSon SavaşRütbeKatıldı
2SMILEYFACEJOKER0,0001575,8052,39%4253İkinci Komutan
4NC091050,0001318,4550,25%15830İkinci Komutan
5Soviet_BattleTank0,0001223,1852,29%6319Personel Subayı
6MasterofX0,0001138,2648,26%2157Savaş Komutanı
7ckor20000,000875,0248,79%9356Yedek Subay
8_Wolfus0,000703,2945,65%2734Personel Subayı
9ThatGuyBiscuit0,000581,9646,94%6592Savaş Komutanı
10red_tiger_10,000465,6446,40%4953İstihbarat Subayı
11AHFAN0,000452,5748,38%5448Yedek Subay
12tank_7110,000418,7146,82%3377Yedek Subay
13Myster_Gunner0,000361,8748,64%1435Levazım Subayı
14Myster_130,000318,7648,31%2900İkinci Komutan
15karlheight0,000296,1645,93%16407Personel Subayı
17rayray_440,000169,2743,08%6114Yedek Subay

Klan Geçmişi

Oyuncu adıDeğişiklikTarih