[A-V] Armored Vengeance

we live to fight and we fight to win


A-V is a new clan created by a player with a lot of clan experience and lots of won clan wars fights. This clan will do a whole range of things from strongholds, tournaments, platooning/count ins, and clan wars battles. Once we take land gold will be divide out to members who showed up to clan wars fights.


48% win rate
must have teamspeak 3 or be capable of getting it
actively participate in strongholds and clan wars (no one will be forced to play)

Klan İstatistikleri

Üye Sayısı: 7

Ortalama Savaş Sayısı11565
Ø WN8960,20
Ortalama Galibiyetler49,19%

Klan üyeleri

Çatışma istatistikleri


Klan Geçmişi

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