Our clan name is in honor of our fallen brother & dear friend David cox .aka { IM4ABJ } who after a long & painful battle with his health, left us on the 26th may 2014. IM4ABJ was a Vietnam vet & true warrior both in game & in life a true inspiration to us all.
We are a Clan Wars active clan built of players who desire to improve their play and quest for land and gold. We seek mature players ex-military or still serving personnel very welcome who can follow commands. Please contact lord mordo or sgtlee2500reme or any clan member in game
3rd Armored Division 82nd Battalion [3A82B]
--at least 1 / 2 Tier X's
--Teamspeak3 Mandatory No TS No Clan
-- Training and CW
-- you also need to speak english / understand english
If you are easily offended then please don't apply we have hard ass ex-military within the clan.